Anti-Corona hygiene
Oberflächenkeimmessung Gesamtkeimzahl (GKZ)
fektionstunneln für Oberflächen eingesetzt
werden. Die Leuchten zur Raumluftentkei-mung
sind übrigens unbedenklich für im
Raum anwesende Personen, da diese den
UVC-Lichtquellen durch die Installations-höhe
sowie durch Abschirmungen nicht
ausgesetzt sind.
UVC-Röhren ersticken
Biofilm im Keim
Direkt in der Produktion setzt der Maschi-nenbauer
Handtmann die UVC-Technolo-gie
ein. Der VF 800 Vakuumfüller bietet
ein optional integrierbares UVC-Modul
zur Entkeimung der Umgebungsluft. Da-mit
lassen sich in der Raumluft neben
Bakterien, Hefen und Sporen auch UV-empfindlichen
Viren wie Influenza oder
Corona effizient abtöten.
Die angesaugte Luft wird zum integrier-ten
UVC-Entkeimungsmodul geführt,
wo Viren und Luftkeime, zum Beispiel
Listerien oder Sporen aus Reiferäumen,
effektiv abgetötet werden. Die patentier-te
UVC-Entkeimungseinheit ist optional
integrierbar und kann problemlos nach-gerüstet
werden. Neben der zuverlässigen
Eliminierung von Luftkeimen tragen auch
die serienmäßig integrierten Reinigungs-programme
für das Förderwerk mit Warm-wasser
im Pasteurisationsbereich bis 90°C
zu optimalen Hygienebedingungen bei.
Dass die UVC-Entkeimung im Betrieb
funktioniert, dokumentiert sterilAir am
Beispiel Micarna. Der Fleisch-, Geflügel-
und Seafoodproduzent aus der Schweiz
suchte für seinen Produktionsstandort
The fact that UVC disinfection works
in operation is documented by sterilAir
using the example of Micarna. For its
production site in Courtepin, the Swiss
meat, poultry and seafood producer was
looking for a way to meet high quali-ty
requirements easier and extend the
intervals between manual cleaning.
SterilAir offered a solution: The experts
there supply versatile modules for UVC
disinfection that prevent the formation
of biofilm on the slats and contamina-tion
of the room air with microorganisms.
The unbreakable UVC tubes can be used
directly in the evaporator and ensure
longer cleaning intervals due to a high
disinfection performance.
UVC tubes nip biofilm in the bud
“The focus was on room air cooling sys-tems,
which distribute the air throughout
the entire room, but whose cooling fins
are an ideal breeding ground for micro-organisms.
If UVC units are installed
here, disinfection practically starts at the
source,“ reports Flurin Alexander-Urech,
Sales Switzerland at sterilAir.
The fact that a biofilm develops on lamel-las
is nothing new. That is why the lamel-las
are cleaned regularly. This not only
requires a lot of personnel and work;
expensive cleaning agents are also re-quired
and cleaning can only be carried
out when production is at a standstill.
“Our solution is to install the UVC tubes
directly in the evaporator housing, which
means that the formation of a biofilm can
vating Sars-CoV-2: “Our test results show
that viruses were completely inactiva-
ted above a certain dose of UV-C radia-tion:
Within seconds, we could no longer
detect a virus,“ summarizes Dr. Anthony
Griffiths, Associate Professor of Micro-
biology at Boston University School of
Signify UVC disinfection airlocks are used
in offices and administrative buildings to
disinfect visitor badges, telephones, bags,
laptops and wallets in seconds. UVC de-vices
can also be used in surface disinfec-tion
The German machine manufactur-er
Handtmann uses UVC technology
directly in production. The VF 800 vacu-um
filler offers an optionally integrable
UVC disinfection module for disinfecting
the ambient air. In addition to bacteria,
yeasts and spores, this enables UV-sensi-tive
viruses such as influenza or corona to
be efficiently killed in the ambient air. For
this purpose, the air drawn in to cool the
vacuum filling machine is led to the inte-grated
UVC disinfection module, where
viruses and airborne germs, for example
listeria or spores from ripening rooms,
are effectively killed. The patented UVC
sterilisation unit can be integrated as an
option and can be retrofitted without any
problems. In addition to the reliable elim-ination
of airborne germs, the standard
integrated cleaning programs for the con-veyor
system with hot water in the pas-teurization
range up to 90°C also contrib-ute
to optimum.
Feinzerlegung Peripherie Einbauten
Oberflächenkeimmessung Hefen & Schimmel (H+S)
Feinzerlegung Peripherie Einbauten
Surface germ measurement total germ count (tgc)
fine dismantling peripheral equipment installations
Surface germ measurement yeasts & moulds (y+m)
fine dismantling peripheral equipment installations
GKZ vor Stoßentkeimung GKZ nach Stoßentkeimung
tgc before shock disinfection tgc after shock disinfection
H+S vor Stoßentkeimung H+S nach Stoßentkeimung
y+m before shock disinfection y+m after shock disinfection
Ceiling lamp
Cable duct
Steel beams
Motor Band 1
Motor belt 1
Ceiling lamp
Cable duct
Steel beams
Motor Band 1
Motor belt 1
Messpunkt / Measuring point Messpunkt / Measuring point
95 97
0 4 1 2 0 0 4 3 4 0
Wirkeffekt einer Stoßentkeimung der produktberührenden Oberflächen auf
die Gesamtkeimzahl. / The effect of shock disinfection of surfaces in con-tact
with the product on the total bacterial count.
Wirkeffekt einer Stoßentkeimung der produktberührende Oberflächen auf
Hefen und Schimmel. / The effect of shock disinfection of surfaces in con-tact
with the product on yeast and mould.
Grafiken: Just In Air/ProPure - Protect
14 4/2020