Falkenstein Projektmanagement GmbH ist ein international
tätiges Gesamtplanungsbüro, welches interdisziplinäre Pla-nungsleistungen
für Architektur, Technische Gebäudeaus-rüstung
und Produktionsprozesse für Bauvorhaben aus der
Lebensmittelindustrie erbringt. Es beschäftigt neben Archi-tekten
und Ingenieuren auch Lebensmitteltechnologen und
unterhält Büros in Deutschland und Brasilien. Neben der
Fachplanung für die Lebensmittelindustrie begleitet Falken-stein
seine Kunden auch bei der Digitalisierung und auf dem
Weg zur Klimaneutralität. www.falkenstein.de
Falkenstein Projektmanagement GmbH is an internatio-
nally active overall planning office that provides inter-disciplinary
planning services for architecture, technical
building equipment and production processes for construc-tion
projects in the food industry. In addition to architects
and engineers, it also employs food technologists and
maintains offices in Germany and Brazil. In addition to
specialist planning for the food industry, Falkenstein also
supports its clients in digitalization and on the path to
climate neutrality. www.falkenstein.de
energy requirements can be met with biogas,
pellets or geothermal energy, among others.
In the case of surplus energy, this can be tem-porarily
stored or, in the case of surplus heat,
supplied to neighboring factories via a local
heating network.
Trend toward networking
In the factory of the future, digital manufac-turing
processes will be connected, automated
and flexible. The Internet of Things, analytics
and artificial intelligence will improve efficiency,
downtime and maintenance, and in the best
case minimize the latter two. New relationships
will emerge between people and machines.
Productivity and quality will increase signifi-cantly.
The smart factory is highly efficient and
The concept of the smart factory will increasing-ly
find its way into the food industry. The pro-cess
of digitalization is important for companies
to remain competitive, and in the coming years
the trend will continue to intensify, towards a
more automated and networked production en-vironment.
The smart factory can therefore be a
good means for many companies to achieve the
goal of more transparent, sustainable and also
more cost-effective operations. A step-by-step
approach to a smart factory is therefore the
right way forward for most companies.
Ein Beispiel für eine klimaneutrale Fabrik mit Photovoltaikanlagen auf dem Dach. /
An example of a climate-neutral factory with photovoltaic systems on the roof.
24 1 / 2022
Grafik/Foto: Falkenstein Projektmanagement GmbH