Covid-19 spread throughout the
workforce at Tönnies Holding’s main
headquarters in East-Westphalian
Rheda-Wiedenbrück like a hurricane. The
spread of the virus in the meat plant in June
2020, which was scientifically proven to have
been the result of the climatic conditions, has
made headlines far beyond Germany. Inter-nally,
the company has successfully overcome
this difficult and exceptional situation – with
the help of a digital and mobile-first solution
for employee communication.
Family-owned company Tönnies has been
operating in the food industry since 1971.
Today, it has operations around the world,
and it specializes in various meat products
such as pork, beef and sausages, operating
in logistics, international and central ser-
vices. Its core business is slaughtering, butch-ering,
processing and refining pork and beef.
This means that a majority of its roughly
16,500 employees work at the unloading
ramps or slaughtering and butchering lines.
Most of the time, these employees cannot
use a computer to e.g. read emails while
working. For the most part, they used to
obtain their information via notices in the
butchering and production halls or verbally
from their supervisors. This often led to
employees overlooking notices and, in the
worst-case scenario, learning about impor-tant
changes only when it was published in
the newspapers.
Internal communications across Tönnies’ 29
locations was a challenge even before Covid
struck. As in any large company, many em-ployees
work at PC workstations in offices:
Continue reading on page 25
Interne Kommunikation in 80 Sprachen: Eine digitale und mobilfähige
Plattformlösung von Beekeeper hilft Tönnies durch die Coronakrise.
A mobile-first communication
platform solution from
Beekeeper helps Tönnies get
through the coronavirus crisis.
Covid-19 wirbelte durch die Belegschaft
am Hauptsitz der Tönnies Holding im
ostwestfälischen Rheda-Wiedenbrück
wie ein Hurrikan. Die Verbreitung des Virus in
dem Fleischbetrieb im Juni 2020, die wissen-schaftlich
belegt auf die klimatischen Bedin-gungen
zurückzuführen war, hat weit über
Deutschland hinaus Schlagzeilen gemacht. Die
1 / 2021 23
Fotos: Tönnies Holding