tion. The result: ”An improved air quality after
the implementation of the UVC air sterilization.“
Based on this positive experience gained in
Bischofszell, the food producer decided to have
sterilAir develop a detailed hygiene concept for
the implementation of UVC disinfection options
for the production site in Ecublens.
Underestimated factor air
In the food industry, one decisive factor is often
forgotten: the room air. Flurin Alexander-Urech,
Market Manager Switzerland at sterilAir, knows
this too: “In many food companies, the room air
in production and cold storage rooms is cooled
by means of room air coolers - colloquially
known as evaporators. However, many manu-facturers
and processors are not aware that this
is a potential source of contamination. Thus,
although the supply air is filtered elaborately
or sterilized with UVC radiation, the room air is
not. Aerosols containing dust particles, product
residues and microorganisms, which are pro-duced
by wet cleaning, among other things, are
drawn in by the cooling units. Microorganisms
can thus accumulate and multiply in the units.
Gradually, a biofilm develops which covers the
evaporator fins. Due to the large volume flows
of the units, components of this biofilm are
now carried back into the room, where they
contaminate the air, surfaces and products.”
Bischofszell Nahrungsmittel is, however, aware
of this invisible danger from airborne germs.
Thus, these germs are regularly measured and
analyzed to determine the quality of the air. The
recirculating air coolers are cleaned at regular
Professional hygiene concept
The results of the airborne germ measurements
at the Ecublens site showed that improving the
air quality made sense. After an on-site survey,
sterilAir developed an air hygiene concept
specifically tailored to production in Ecublens
and implemented it with the responsible parties.
Around 30 room air coolers of various sizes and
designs were equipped with UVC tubes.
The E-series from sterilAir allows modular
retrofitting with UVC disinfection without en-dangering
occupational or product safety. This
treatment of the cooling fins, a form of surface
disinfection, has a positive impact on air quality
by counteracting the build-up of biofilm. The in-stallations
on the room air coolers are selectively
supported by eight sterilAir UVR-4K industrial
recirculating air sterilizers.
Since December 2019, the installation of the
UVC disinfection at Bischofszell has been
completed. SterilAir continues to be available
as an expert contact at all times and takes care
of the maintenance of the installations and the
organization of the periodic tube replacement
every 12,000 operating hours.
Marco Gioia is accordingly convinced with re-gard
to the cooperation: ”From the stocktaking,
the solution proposals and the creation of the
concept, to the safety measurements and the
functioning and operation-specific solution: we
were given the best possible advice at all times.“
Avoiding biofilm
Thanks to UVC lamella disinfection, the cleaning
cycles for the room air coolers are stretched out.
This saves time, chemical-based cleaning agents
and energy. Another advantage is the increased
efficiency of the units if they are equipped with
UVC lamella disinfection: Biofilm, which forms
on the cooling fins of the units, increasingly
isolates them and at the same time narrows
the narrow openings of the fin packs through
which the air flows. The result is a not incon-siderably
higher energy consumption to provide
the same cooling performance. If biofilm
growth is restricted, the total energy consump-tion
decreases.Marco Gioia concludes: ”Thanks
to the competent and uncomplicated way of
working with sterilAir, the whole concept could
be implemented professionally.“
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