Fotos: Vemag Maschinenbau
Katja Troschka and personal
trainer Dirk Bammann work
in our health center, the “Ve-mag
Maschinenfabrik“. They
respond to the goals and
wishes of our employees and
create, for example, individu-al
training plans. In addition,
our coaches provide nutrition-al
counseling as needed and
accompany our employees at-tentively
and mindfully on the
path to change. For example,
some employees have already
achieved a sustainable weight
reduction or a general im-provement
in their well-being.
In general, training at the
health center is possible and
feasible on one‘s own. How-ever,
training groups have also
been formed. The focus of the
training is always on health
and fitness.
Which employee groups use
the offer most intensively:
production, administration,
This is very mixed, as we wan-
ted to make it as easy as possi-ble
for all employees from the
very beginning. For example,
Vemag Maschinenfabrik has
opening hours that are adap-
ted to our working time
models. In addition, the of-fer,
which includes training at
the Vemag Maschinenfabrik,
nutrition coaching, personal
training support, etc., is free of
charge and not tied to a con-tract.
After an initial briefing,
anyone who wants to can sim-ply
get started.
After the first few months, do
your employees need to make
any corrections or suggesti-ons
for improvement to the
health center‘s offering?
We quickly expanded the
range of services at Vemag
Maschinenfabrik. For exam-ple,
we now also offer massa-
ges by Bianka Wunstorf at
a fair price. We have also
acquired additional training
equipment and small items of
equipment and have respon-
ded to the wishes of our em-ployees
training in the health
center - always with the aim of
preventing health problems.
In general, we observe the de-sire
for a healthier and more
balanced life. For this rea-son,
we try to offer healthy
workplaces overall, e.g., with
height-adjustable writing and
work tables, the offer of reg-ular
home offices, further au-tomation
of physically strenu-ous
activities where possible,
and the use of lifting aids in
production. However, good
prevention also includes pro-viding
free drinks or avoiding
sitting or standing in the same
position for too long. We are
pleased, for example, when
ideas are brought to the atten-tion
of the management by the
workforce. This information
helps to further improve work
processes and work design.
It is important that manage-ment,
the works council, exec-utives
and employees togeth-er
pay close attention to and
value the topic of „health in
the workplace“. The health
center is an additional offer for
active prevention.
The equipment can be used
from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. What
peak times have you experi-enced
in the first few months
of operation?
The health center is used most
intensively in the afternoon
and evening.
Would you recommend
a similar offer to other
The investment in the health
center with staff, equipment
and the remodeling was defi-nitely
worth it. I would recom-mend
it to others. However,
it can only be one part of an
overall concept for continuous,
workplace health promotion
to reduce work-related com-plaints
and illnesses. Other
topics such as “healthy work-places
for all ages“, “stress ma-
nagement“ or “raising aware-
ness of hazardous working
materials“ are also part of the
active promotion of the pre-vention
culture that we live.
For Vemag, the prevention
culture is a component of sus-tainable
economic action.
Interview: Christian Blümel
Health management
Blick in die Vemag Maschinenfabrik: Eine reiche Auswahl an Trainings-geräten
steht dort für die Mitarbeiter bereit. /
View into the Vemag Maschinenfabrik: A rich selection of training
equipment is available there for the employees.
Die Geräte können ja von
6 bis 22 Uhr genutzt werden.
Welche Stoßzeiten haben
sich in den ersten Betriebs-monaten
Am Nachmittag und Abend
wird das Gesundheitszentrum
am intensivsten genutzt.
Ist an eine Erweiterung des
Betriebs gedacht, etwa auf
„Die Investition in das
Gesundheitszentrum mit
Personal, Geräten und Umbau
hat sich definitiv gelohnt.“
“The investment in the health
center with staff, equipment and
remodeling has definitely paid off.“
Familien oder Angehörige
der Vemag-Mitarbeiter?
Da wir weiter wachsen und
damit auch die Anzahl unse-rer
Mitarbeiter*innen, bieten
wir die Nutzung des Gesund-heitszentrums
zurzeit weiterhin
allein unserem Personal an.
Würden Sie ein vergleichba-res
Angebot anderen Unter-nehmern
Die Investition in das Gesund-heitszentrum
mit Personal,
Geräten und Umbau hat sich
definitiv gelohnt. Ich würde es
weiterempfehlen. Es kann aber
nur ein Teil eines Gesamtkon-zeptes
zur kontinuierlichen,
betrieblichen Gesundheitsför-
derung sein, um arbeitsbeding-te
Beschwerden und Erkran-kungen
zu reduzieren. Andere
Themen wie „Gesunde Arbeits-plätze
für jedes Alter“, „Stress-management“
oder die „Sen-sibilisierung
für gefährliche
Arbeitsstoffe“ gehören eben-so
zur aktiven Förderung der
Präventionskultur, welche wir
leben. Für Vemag ist die Prä-ventionskultur
ein Bestandteil
des nachhaltigen wirtschaftli-chen
Interview: Christian Blümel
36 4/2022