Fotos: K+G Wetter
Ein Stückchen Knochen oder Knor-pel
kann den Genuss von Bolog-nese
oder Frikadellen deutlich
trüben. Neben der handwerklich sorg-fältigen
Vorbereitung des Fleisches vor
dem Wolfen können Fleischereibetrie-be
mit einer Sortiereinrichtung für ein
Extra an Produktqualität sorgen. K+G
Wetter hat dazu für seine Wölfe und
Mischwölfe ein spezielles Sortiermes-ser
entwickelt. Als weitere Innovation
sorgt ein innovativer Messerzapfen für
verbesserte Hygiene, einfache und
sichere Reinigung sowie schnellen und
kostengünstigen Austausch bei Ver-schleiß.
A special sorting knife and an
innovative knife tang optimize
the mincers from K+G Wetter.
A piece of bone or gristle can significant-ly
spoil the enjoyment of bolognese or
meatballs. In addition to careful prepa-ration
of the meat by hand before mincing,
butchers can use sorting equipment to en-sure
extra product quality. For this purpose,
K+G Wetter has developed a special sorting
knife for its mincers and mixing mincers. As
a further innovation, a innovative knife pin
ensures improved hygiene, simple and safe
cleaning plus fast and cost-effective replace-ment
in the event of wear.
Clever knife tang
The knife tang is a highly stressed compo-nent
of mincers and mixing mincers and
is therefore susceptible to wear. The new
development from K+G Wetter now offers
a clever solution: the blade journal now has
a heavy-duty square plug-in connection and
the special seal is pressed in from a particular-ly
durable material.
In the event of damage, this now makes it pos-sible
for the first time to replace the knife jour-nal
easily and cost-effectively using standard
tools without having to replace the entire meat
screw. The particularly smooth surface of the
new knife tang without hidden corners also
saves time during the hygienically safe clea-ning
and improves product safety.
New cutting geometry
The advanced sorting knife visibly optimizes
the cutting pattern with its new cutting geo-
metry. The knife reliably and sharply sepa-rates
hard parts that are not desired in the end
product, such as cartilage, tendons or small
bone particles; it is very durable and also ena-bles
a higher product throughput.
EW-D114: manuelle
Sortiereinrichtung /
manual sorting solution
MWW-E-130: pneumatische
Sortiereinrichtung /
pneumatic sorting solution
Gegen Knochen
und Knorpel
Ein spezielles Sortiermesser und ein
innovativer Messerzapfen optimieren
die Wölfe von K+G Wetter.
Two against
bones and cartilage
24 4/2022