Foto: Falkenstein Projektmanagement, Alois Müller
and also real-time capable.
5G can be used to wirelessly
connect everything within a
production facility, and when
combined with cloud solutions
and appropriate computing
power, it helps achieve real-
time communications.
Risks of digitalization,
cyber attacks
Digitization and networking
within the smart factory creates
security risks, which require
comprehensive IT security
management in which the
entire system and all its components
must be protected.
Cyber attacks can cause massive
damage to a company.
More and more of these attacks
are being carried out on
food processing companies by
exploiting vulnerabilities.
The introduction of new technologies,
often communicating
over wireless networks and
using external cloud systems,
also increases the attack surface
on these businesses, so effective
prevention and defense
is needed.
Digitization and automation,
often combined with artificial
intelligence (AI), are the basis
for implementing the smart
Data flood and cobots
Sensors are the foundation for
data collection at the lowest
level of operations. They are
the first step in achieving the
goal of the smart factory and
can be used at a wide variety
of points in the process to collect
data with them. In the food
industry, a variety of sensors is
used to collect real-time data
and continuously maintain process
lines, detecting any bott-
lenecks and correcting them
early on, thereby preventing
Image processing is also an extremely
useful tool for quality
assurance and can also collect
data along the entire value
chain. Robots and other assistance
systems, so-called cobots
(collaborative robots that assist
humans), are used in proces-
ses to relieve humans of heavy
Smarte Fabrik
Smart Factory
Kommunikation ab. Um diese
erfolgreich zu implementieren,
ist eine Infrastruktur nötig, die
die Übertragung von Daten
ermöglicht. Je mehr Automatisierungs
und Digitalisierungsmöglichkeiten
genutzt werden,
desto mehr Daten müssen üblicherweise
übertragen werden,
weshalb die Kommunikationsübertragung
gut ausgebaut
sein sollte, damit die großen
Datenmengen auch bewältigt
werden können.
Die Netzwerke – meist noch
Breitband, immer öfter auch
tion. Enterprise resource planning
systems (ERP) usually
form the cross-company basis.
The ERP system can also be
referred to as the „central nervous
system“ and is used to plan
operational resources. It supports
cross-departmental planning
and control of all business
processes at company level. It
links a wide variety of areas,
such as finance and accoun-
ting, human resources, produc-
tion planning and control,
purchasing and logistics. ERP
systems enable seamless docu-
mentation and thus facilitate
the traceability of products.
Powerful networks
The full potential of a smart
factory depends heavily on
successful communication.
To implement this, an infrastructure
is needed that enables
the transfer of data. The
more automation and digi-
tization capabilities are used,
the more data typically needs
5G – müssen eine hohe Datenübertragungsrate
sollten geringe Latenzzeiten
haben, ausfallsicher und zudem
echtzeitfähig sein. 5G kann genutzt
werden, um alles innerhalb
einer Produktionsstätte
kabellos zu verbinden und in
Kombination mit Cloud-Lösungen
und entsprechender Computerleistung
hilft es, Echtzeitkommunikation
zu erreichen.
Risiken der Digitalisierung
Durch die Digitalisierung und
Vernetzung innerhalb der
Falkenstein Projektmanagement GmbH ist ein international
tätiges Gesamtplanungsbüro, welches interdiszipli-
näre Planungsleistungen für Architektur, technische Gebäudeausrüstung
und Produktionsprozesse für Bauvor-
haben aus der Lebensmittelindustrie erbringt. Es beschäftigt
neben Architekten und Ingenieuren auch Lebensmitteltechnologen
und unterhält Büros in Deutschland und
Brasilien. Neben der Fachplanung für die Lebensmittelindustrie
begleitet Falkenstein seine Kunden auch bei der
Digitalisierung und auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität.
Falkenstein Projektmanagement GmbH is an internationally
active overall planning office that provides interdisciplinary
planning services for architecture, technical
building equipment and production processes for construction
projects in the food industry. In addition to architects
and engineers, it also employs food technologists
and maintains offices in Germany and Brazil. In addition
to specialist planning for the food industry, Falkenstein
also supports its clients in digitalization and on the path
to climate neutrality.
to be transmitted, so communications
transmission should
be well developed to handle
the large volumes of data.
The networks – mostly still
broadband, but increasingly
also 5G – must enable a high
data transmission rate, should
have low latency, be fail-safe
22 6/2021