Reportage - Metzgerei Krug, Gaggenau: Die badische Verbindung / The Swabian connection


Die Metzgerei Krug, im badischen Gaggenau, hat eine über 40-jährige Tradition. Ursprünglich im Jahre 1961 als kleiner Handwerksbe-trieb von Luise und Alois Krug im Herzen Krug‘s butcher shop located in Gag-genau in the Baden region has a tradition of more than 40 years. Originally founded as a small butcher‘s by Luise and Alois Krug in the heart of Gaggenau in1961, the company has since been evolving into a medium-sized com-pany. “Together with my sons Marco and Christian, I took over my parents enter-prise in 2005“, Reiner Krug recounts. From then on he has been in charge of production and personnel controlling, Marco and Christian took over respons-ibility for the operative business. “Each one of us masters his area of responsibility and we complement each other perfect-ly. This soon made us very successful“, Reiner Krug sums up the developments. Only a few years after the new ma-nagement had taken over, the company reached its capacity limits and a new building became absolutely necessary. The three owners purchased a piece of land in Gaggenau-Ottenau – not far away from the old premises – where they built a new plant, equipped with modern ma- chines. In May 2009 the company finally moved to the new premises. “In the course of the expansion we have steadily been in-creasing the number of employees from 30 to 80 people today“, Reiner Krug says. High quality standards Today the family business produces finest quality meat and sausage products that aren‘t only sold over the counter of the own shop and party service, but also to well-known bulk purchasers and the can-teens of local companies. The catchment area reaches from Heilbronn, Heidelberg and Offenburg to Saverne in Alsace. Die badische Verbindung The southern connection Die Metzgerei Krug ist in der Region durch ihre Qualitätsprodukte bekannt. Trotz rasantem Wachstum innerhalb weniger Jahre von einem kleinen Handwerksbetrieb zu einem mittelständischem Wurst- und Fleischproduzenten, blieb man dort der Tradition treu. Allerdings verrichten heute Industriemaschinen die handwerkliche Arbeit – auch bei der Scherbeneiserzeugung. Krug‘s butcher shop is known for their high-quality products in the whole region. Despite the rapid growth that has transformed a small butcher‘s into a medium-sized sausage and meat producer, the company sticks to its traditional heritage. However, industrial machines do the work today – this also applies for the production of flake ice. Gaggenaus gegründet, hat sich der Betrieb bis heute zu einem mittelständi-schen Unternehmen entwickelt. „Im Jahr 2005 übernahm ich mit meinen Söhnen Marco und Christian den elterlichen Be- 40 4/2013 Foto: Wagenseil

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