Foto: Perten Instruments Messtechnik & Prozesskontrolle Metrology & process control Die Bestandteile von Würsten und Wurstwaren analysiert bei Hans Kupfer & Sohn in Heilsbronn ein Infrarot-System von Perten Instruments. Hans Kupfer & Sohn ist einer der bekanntes-ten Produzenten von Würsten und Wurstwaren in Deutschland. Am Standort Heilsbronn in Mittelfranken werden jährlich einige Tau-send Tonnen Rohfleisch zu mehr als 300 unterschiedli-chen Produkttypen verarbei-tet. Seit kurzem ist dort das NIR (= nahes Infrarot) Sys-tem DA 7250 SD von Perten Instruments für die schnelle 30 1/2016 Qualitätskontrolle von Roh-fleisch und Fleischwaren im Einsatz. Für eine effektive Wareneingangskontrolle ist die Ermittlung der Rohfleisch- Zusammensetzung bezüglich Fett, Wasser, Rohprotein und Bindegewebsanteil entschei-dend, um über die Einhaltung der Spezifikationen und über die passgenaue Verwendung des Fleisches entscheiden zu können. Hans Kupfer & Sohn verwendet bereits ein in der Infrared analysis An infrared system of Perten Instruments analyses sausage and other processed meat products at the German company Hans Kupfer & Sohn. of the main advantages is its versatile use along the com-plete meat process chain, in-cluding inspection of incoming goods, processing (at-line) and final product control. For these purposes excellent calibrations are available and the detection of extended parameters like ash, salt and water activity is possible. The system can be used by any staff in a simple and safe manner, thanks to its intui- tive handling via touch screen. The results obtained with the DA 7250 SD are user-indepen-dent and reproducible over time. The instrument is now used at Hans Kupfer & Sohn in the challenging environment of the meat intake area where its IP65 water-proof design is of great benefit. Incoming meat is tested by the staff in the intake to make sure that it meets the specified nutritional composition. If a shipment is off-spec (e.g. fat, moisture content) a claim can be made immediately. Since results are available in ne-ar real-time, the meat is used more efficiently as the fat con-tent of the product ends up closer to the specification. Qui-cker and more reliable analy-sis results offer more informa-tion into the process, which helps to meet product specifi-cations and allows operations personnel to tighten safety margins. These benefits make the instrument pay for itself quickly., Analyse per Infrarot Hans Kupfer & Sohn is one of Germany’s best known producers of sausages and other processed meat products. At their Heils-bronn plant they produce several thousands of tons an-nually with more than 300 different products. Recently they use the NIR (Near Infra-red) system DA 7250 SD from Perten Instruments for quick and reliable quality control of raw meat and meat products. For analysis of finished foods Hans Kupfer & Sohn were already using an NIR lab in-strument of a model which is widely used in the food in-dustry. The staff at the raw material income, howe-ver, favored a solution on-site (at-line) to act independently of the laboratory wor-king hours and to make faster decisi-ons. Such analytical solution requires a fast and easy to handle analytical device which can be used by any employee in an user-independent way. Just 6 seconds... The DA 7250 SD from Perten Instruments is designed spe-cifically for use in the food in-dustry and provides accurate determination of e.g. moisture, fat and crude protein content in raw meat and meat products. Its ease of use, 6-second analysis time and no cleaning requirements between analy-ses were very appealing. One
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