Foto: Sick AG nischen Rückständen zu ver-meiden. Auf das erste Besei-tigen von Schlachtresten auf Flächen und Maschinen folgt die Außenreinigung. Dabei werden häufig hochwirksame Reinigungs- und Desinfekti-onsmittel Hygiene & Reinigungstechnik Hygiene & Cleaning Technology For more than 40 years quality is our program 24 hours service for Wiegand it is perfectly natural Hermann Wiegand GmbH, Am Anger 27, 36169 Rasdorf, Tel: -49(0)6651/9600-0, Fax: +49(0)6651/9600-16, Internet:, E-Mail: Profi-Schliff Wet grinding, wet polishing. Directly use at place of work. For knifes of each kind. New: Wet grinding, dry polishing. The new „Schnellschliff“ offers a perfect result in seconds. The guarantee for optimal binding results for meat of each kind. E.g. collared meat with or without filling. Also poultry and fish. Collared meat and ham can be processed consistent and careful into net bag or case. And in addition: The fully automatic net gatherer. The original looping machine makes up to 2800 loops per hour. With the Stockmat the pieces can hung directly on the curing stick. verwendet, die Fette und Proteine abbauen, u. a. tensidhaltige, saure, Chlor- und chloralkalische Schaum-reiniger sowie neutrale, Hy-pochlorit- oder Peressigsäure-haltige Desinfektionsmittel. is to constantly improve prod-uction efficiency. This requires fail-safe, maintenance-free, and reliable machines, con-veying systems, and compo-nents, which can be operated round the clock, 365 days a year. To ensure that, for ex-ample, sensors do not break down, they have to satisfy par-ticularly high requirements, especially with regard to cleaning and disinfecting the systems with alkali, chlorina-ted, and oxidative products. Hard processes Cutting and processing machines in the meat industry are just some of the typically-used systems that have to be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis to prevent hy-giene risks resulting from meat products becoming contami-nated with microorganisms, spores, or inorganic residues. Following the initial removal of meat remains from surfaces and machines, the equipment is then subjected to external cleaning. When cleaning and disinfecting external system components, highly effective cleaning agents and disinfec-tants are often used to break down the fats and proteins. For instance, surfactant, aci-dic, chlorinated, and chlorine-alkaline foam cleaners, as well as neutral disinfectants con- taining hypochlorite or per-acetic acid are used. In ad-dition, this type of work also often makes use of pressure washers, which are operated at a pressure between 80 bar and 100 bar to tackle any inherent contamination. The require-ments of the cleaning and hy-giene processes therefore test the sensors to the limit. With the W8 Inox product family of photoelectric sensors, Sick is able to provide the long-term availability of sensors in meat processing machines and sys-tems that Danish Crown, the Danish Crown in der ost-jütländischen Hafenstadt Randers Danish Crown located in the seaport of Randers in East Jutland 6/2013 53
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