Slaughtered animals are cooled by • the load tilts outward in curves means of transportation through and the open side of the hook cooling channels. Furthermore, faces upwards, meat processing companies aren't • jammed hooks on motor driven always built on one level. There- tracks aren't noticed, fore, different heights have to be • further hooks are hanging on the covered when the goods are trans- bottom of a sliding hook (form- ported from one workplace to an ation of "hook clusters"), other. When loads are transported • the operative tubular track wasn't on tubular tracks, long distances or secured with a tight fit to the tu- differences in height have to be bular track of a truck after loading overcome by means of elevators and unloading jobs, i.e. mechanical ascending con- • e.g. sliding doors of cold stores veyors that allow for loads to be are opened and the gate of the tu- transported vertically. Ascending bular track doesn't fall back into conveyors for the horizontal trans- its starting position and thus isn't port of loads on tubular tracks are secured by the support bracket, also referred to as elevators. These • e.g. ham is unloaded manually elevators consist of a revolving but the product still sticks tightly chain which is installed above the to the hook (i.e. the entire hook is tubular track. At specific intervals lifted), girders are installed on the chain. • e.g. slaughtering halves are hung These girders are installed directly on sling chains which then must above the tubular track and push be hung on a sliding hook. the upper part of the hook on the upper part of the tube forward. Swinging loads Several elevators can be mounted After cutting, the meat is loaded alongside a tubular track. This on trucks equipped with tubular might be necessary at crossings or tracks. This means that the hooks where tubular tracks lead to other are sliding down a strong decline rooms. There are interchange towards the loading ramp. De- points installed between the pending on the descending angle, subsequent to the downstream the loads are accelerating. At the elevator. end of the decline, retarding forces the loaded sliding hook slightly can get hurt by swinging loads or WIR HELFEN BEIMcause the loads to swing. People At the end of the upstream elevator drops. In order to lift it back to the the hooks may derail. are lifted automatically and the Overloaded tubular tracks AUFRÄUMEN. level of the tubular track, the hooks downstream elevator transports The workstations in the cutting the hook by means of a carrier area are often supplied with sever- Ausführliche Unterlagen zu unseren intelligenten back into the transportation net- al halves of cattle loaded on a work. The lifting process is clocked single electric-lifting truck. This in- Logistiklösungen und effi zienten Fördertechniken in such a way that it starts just be- adequate method can lead to liegen für Sie bereit. fore the carrier of the elevator arrives. dangers caused by uncontrolled Nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf. movements of the hooks and Dangers during transport misor overloaded forks. Telefon: +49 (0) 80 62 . 70 75-0 Dangers during transport of the This also applies for jammed loads hooks mainly arise from loose and at transfer points of elevators, eMail: derailed hooks on the tubular track. which aren't noticed by the system The danger of loose and derailed and the loaded sliding hooks accu- hooks is higher when the hook is mulate at loading points. In the unloaded since empty hooks are case of a jam, maximum capacity more likely to be pushed on top of of the tubular track may be excee- each others and fall from the tubu- ded and cause damages to the sys- lar track. The tubular track is in- tem. This leads to increased wear stalled at a height of at least 2.40m. and even damage or breakage of Empty hooks could fall on the the brackets of the tubular track. heads of employees that are below the tubular track and cause severe Breakage of the tubular injuries. The own weight of the track by wear hooks ranges between 1.25 and The hooks are sliding on the tubu- 1.4kg. Hooks can get loose and lar track. The mechanical wear derail if caused by the metal hooks sliding
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