Konservieren & Gefrieren Conserving & Freezing Effect of electrical energy into twelve slices of 2.5 cm Power supply In cooperation with the Max each. These samples were Rubner Institut Kulmbach, the packed and treated in the impact of this treatment on kettle. Measurement of ten- switch the quality of beef was exami- derness by means of Instron ned (15884 N). An evaluation allowed for quality evaluation model was established which of the cooked samples. Then capacitor bank allows for simple and reprod- the samples were compared to ucible shock waves to be prod- conventionally matured sam- underwater exploding wire uced by means of releasing el- ples (13 days at 2°C). Additio- discharge ectronic energy between two nally the influence of pre- and electrodes under water. The post-maturing at 2°C for seven Abbildung 5: Prinzipskizze zur Erzeugung elektrohydraulischer Stoßwellen device consists of a pulse ge- days was examined. mittels Unterwasserentladung (links) bzw. explodierendem Draht (rechts). nerator and a treatment area Image 5: Schematic diagram of electro-hydraulic shock waves produced where the packed meat is ex- More tender meat by means of under-water discharges (left) and exploding wire (right). posed to the shock waves (im- After treatment with shock- age 6). An energy supply with waves with an electronic ener- a performance of 2 kW charges gy of 11.6 kJ and a wire length a capacitor with a capacity of of 6cm, the scientists observed 18 μF to a maximum voltage of a decrease in energy required 40 kV. The buffered energy to cut the meat. However, the (up to 14 kJ) is released by samples didn't have the same means of a spark gap. This quality as conventionally ma- device can either produce tured meat. This was evident electro-thermal (underwater due to partially dissolved ac- sparks) or electro-detonative tin-myosin complexes that (exploding wires) shock wa- were caused by mechanical ef- ves. fects. Additional pre- or post- Each treatment unit consists maturing of seven days could- of a kettle filled with water n't produce the tenderness of Abbildung 6: Funktionsmuster zur Erzeugung elektrohydraulischer which has a diameter of 80 cm conventionally matured sam- Stoßwellen, bestehend aus Energieversorgung, Behandlungswanne und and a height of 50 cm. The va- ples (Image 7). A reduction of Entladestrecke. Ausschnitt: Vergrößerung der Elektroden. / Image 6: cuum-packed material is pla- the electric energy down to Evaluation model of the production of electro-hydraulic shock waves - ced in the kettle and a pair of 2 kJ didn't result in a decrease consisting of an energy supply, a treatment chamber and discharge path. electrodes is lowered into the of tenderization effects, in- Section: Enlarged electrodes. kettle by means of a pneuma- stead the smaller spatial dis- tic device. The material has to tribution caused the working be packed in order to avoid area to shrink. No significant besser umsetzbare verfahrens- wurden die Auswirkungen des contact with water and possi- differences between single or technische Prinzipien zur Ver- Verfahrens auf die Qualität ble recontaminations. multiple shock-wave treat- fügung. von Rindfleisch untersucht Evaluation of the meat quali- ments were observed. (15884 N). Es wurde ein Funk- ty is done using roast beef pie- By means of electrophoretic Wirkung von elektrischer tionsmuster realisiert, das ces from young bulls (Fleck- analysis, no proteolytic effect Fotos: DIL Energie durch eine Entladung elektri- vieh, R3). After evaluation of or an influence on protein solu- In Kooperation mit dem Max scher Energie zwischen zwei the pH-value, the longissimus bility was observed after treat- Rubner Institut in Kulmbach unter Wasser angebrachten dorsi (LD) was exposed and cut ment with shock-waves. The Koogt"uej`p"nqemgt"dngkdgp0" Fkg"ETQNKPGAE"KSH/Htquvgthcoknkg0 KSH/Rtqfwmvg"ykg"gvyc"Dggtgp."Oggtguht˘ejvg"qfgt"iguejpkvvgpg"d|y0"igy˘thgnvg" Ngdgpuokvvgn""o˘uugp"cwej"ko"vkghightqtgpgp"\wuvcpf"rqtvkqpkgtdct"dngkdgp0"Okv"KSH/" ETQNKPGAE"kuv"gkpg"gkpigvtcigpg"Octmg"fgt"Nkpfg"Itqwr0 Igt›vgp"cwu"wpugtgt"Htquvgthcoknkg"ETQNKPGAE"É"ykg"|0"D0"fgo"ETQNKPGAE"EY"É"ncuugp" ukej"ugnduv"gorhkpfnkejuvg"Rtqfwmvg"uejpgnn.""uejqpgpf."ghhk|kgpv"wpf"kpfkxkfwgnn"ightkgtgp0 Nkpfg"É"kfgcu"dgeqog"uqnwvkqpu0 Nkpfg"CI Icugu"Fkxkukqp."Nkpfg"Icu"Fgwvuejncpf."Ugkvpgtuvtc—g"92.":426;"Rwnncej" Vgnghqp"23:250:7222/2,."Vgnghcz"23:250:7222/3,."yyy0nkpfg/icu0fg ,"""2.2;"ߐ"rtq"Okpwvg"cwu"fgo"fv0"Hguvpgv|"~"Oqdknhwpm"dku"2.64"ߐ"rtq"Okpwvg0"\wt"Ukejgtuvgnnwpi"gkpgu"jqjgp"Pkxgcwu"fgt" "Mwpfgpdgvtgwwpi"ygtfgp"Fcvgp"wpugtgt"Mwpfgp"ykg"|0"D0"Vgnghqppwoogtp"gngmvtqpkuej"igurgkejgtv"wpf"xgtctdgkvgv0
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