Reportage Fleischerei Feinkost Köhler, Hofgeismar blade cover and a perspex vac- thered more than 1,400 uum cover. Unnecessary vibra- awards on national and inter- tions are avoided by the stable national competitions for his and heavy cast stand with the high-quality products. Under integrally cast blade rod-end Köhler's management the bearing arm. company has further expan- The vacuum cutter is con- ded and apart from its head- trolled by the optional modules quarters in Hofgeismar where CutControl (Control Software) it was founded in 1846 the and CutVision (Visualization company runs six other bran- Software) The latter one re- ches in the area. cords all process data such as In order to be able to com- blade speed, product temper- pete with cheapskates, Köhler ature, vacuum level and the continuously invested in mo- number of bowl rotations as dern equipment. He realised well as all data that are re- that the new vacuum cutter quired in order to ensure trace- safes him about 10% of prod- ability. These data are then uct costs for lean meat due to copied on a connected PC. better protein disintegration. This kind of automation helps Additionally, he safes in the to standardize the cutting pro- amount of spices used since cess in such a way that almost the vacuum keeps the flavour no fluctuations in product qual- inside of the bowl and doesn't ity occur – irrespective of the allow the aromas to escape in- person who is in charge of the to the atmosphere. "If you on- cutting process. Basically it's ly have an open cutter cover only necessary to stick to the or a noise reducing cover, aro- operation notes in the infor- mas are lost to the ambient at- mation line. If there is one step mosphere. But working under missing, the programme stops vacuum results in a signifi- the process automatically. cantly intensified flavour of "What matters is that a butcher the spices at the same amount isn't an academic. Operation of spices used", says Uwe must be user-friendly and offer Köhler. Furthermore, the va- erstklassige Qualität ihrer Pro- einem höheren Feinheitsgrad as much pre-settings as pos- cuum allowed him to process dukte ein. Unter Uwe Köhlers des Fleischbräts z. B. für die sible. The keyboard is almost the meat for a longer time as Leitung expandierte es munter Aufschnittwurst bemerkbar. as easy to operate as a car ra- the ambient temperature re- weiter und betreibt neben dem Gut findet er auch die an- dio. Even an untrained person mains lower inside of the cut- Stammsitz in Hofgeismar, der wenderfreundliche Reinigung is getting used to it very quick- ter bowl. This results in a more sich noch immer am selben Ort des Gerätes, wegen der Aus- ly", Uwe Köhler explains. finely dispersed meat emulsion wie Anno 1846 befindet, wei- führung ohne Ecken und Kan- When the purchase of a new e.g. for sliceware. He also likes tere sechs Filialen in der Um- ten. Zudem seien alle Teile, die cutter was due, Köhler was the easy cleaning of the ma- gebung. mit Nahrungsmitteln in Berüh- choosing one of the most mo- chine, which doesn't have any Um im Wettbewerb mit Bil- rung kommen, aus rostfreien dern solutions on the market: corners or edges. Additionally ligheimern am Markt zu be- Materialien gefertigt, womit The 120 litre vacuum cutter all parts of the machine that get stehen, investiert Köhler kon- auch die hygienischen und from K+G Wetter. This invest- into contact with foodstuff are tinuierlich in seine technische sicherheitstechnischen Forde- ment certainly is no chicken- made of stainless materials thus Ausstattung. Er hat festge- rungen der EG-Maschinen- feed for a medium sized but- ensuring that the demands of stellt, dass er im Magerfleisch- richtlinie erfüllt sind. cher. That is why this type of the EG machine guideline re- bereich mit dem neuen Vaku- „So eine Maschine kostet so machine is a standard in indus- garding hygienic and safe op- um-Kutter etwa 10 % weniger viel, wie bei uns ein Einfami- trial companies but still an ex- eration are met. Wareneinsatz hat, weil der lienhaus. Ich weiß, dass sie sich ception in manually working "Such a machine costs as Eiweißaufschluss besser ist. nicht von heute auf morgen companies. However, in the much as a detached house Zusätzlich spart er bei den Ge- amortisieren wird, aber auf long term the assets of the around here. I'm aware that würzen ein, weil die Aromen eine Dauer von zehn Jahren machine outweigh investment it won't pay off over night, but Fleisch dank des Vakuums ben. 2012 beginnt er nach er- generation ness. In 2012 he has finished Fleischerei Feinkost Köhler-in the course of ten years itwill", says Uwe Köhler. Bythen his youngest son Felixwill have taken over the busicosts thanks to lower operationcosts and better products.Tradition in the fifths-ist das darstellbar“, sagt UweKöhler. Dann wird sein jüngster Sohn Felix längst das Ruderim Betrieb übernommen ha- unter Vakuum in der Schüssel bleiben und nicht mehr an die Atmosphäre abgegeben wer- den. Außerdem könne er das auch länger bearbeiten, da die folgreicher Abiturprüfung sei- Tradition is especially im- high school and started his Umgebungstemperatur unter ne Ausbildung zum Fleischer, portant to the manager. After butcher training in order to Vakuumbedingungen niedri- um die Familientradition fort- all he could loose his could re- continue the family tradition. ger ist. Dies mache sich in zuführen. Nathalie Kopsa putation. The butcher has ga- Nathalie Kopsa 24 4/2012
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