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Kontinuierliche Anlagen und leicht zu beschickende Bratanlagen./ Continuous treatment chambers and easily loaded roasting units. Berieselungsautoklaven Cascading water autoclaves VOS Schott GmbH • Am Seefeld 3 • 35510 Butzbach • Fon +49 6033 9190-0 • E-Mail • Fotos: Maurer-Atmos Middleby ge, die über die Qualität der Produkte entscheiden. Dafür stehen die technisch ausgefeilten Anlagen von Maurer-Atmos Middleby zur Verfügung, welche die-sen Prozess sicher, hygienisch und wirt-schaftlich gestalten. Enger Kundenkontakt „Der Wille, ein Qualitätsprodukt herzu-stellen und den Kunden mit seinen Be-dürfnissen in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen, steht bei jedem Mitarbeiter von Maurer- Atmos Middleby an erster Stelle. Unsere Kunden sind einem weltweiten Wettbe-werbsdruck ausgesetzt und müssen sich Veränderungen schnell und flexibel an-passen, ohne dabei die Qualität zu min-dern. Hierfür bieten wir die passenden Lösungen“, erklärt Maurizio Ventura, Vice President Sales & Marketing. Der Kundenkontakt bei Maurer-Atmos findet wenig am Schreibtisch und viel vor Ort direkt beim Kunden statt. Durch die-sen direkten Kontakt hat das Traditions-unternehmen ständig die Marktbedürf-nisse im Blick und welche Innovationen die Nutzbarkeit der Anlagen noch stei-gern können. Da besonders die schnel-le und präzise Reaktion auf spezielle Kundenwünsche dabei im Fokus steht, steht ein umfassendes Vertriebsnetzwerk folio of Middleby. The headquarters of Maurer-Atmos Middleby are still in Reichenau, where the company was founded at the beginning of the 20th century. Since the company foundation, the plant builder has been specialising in the construction of thermal treatment solutions and associated production pro-cesses for the food industry, small and me-dium- sized companies and for butchers. The expert for smoking, cooking, baking, drying and maturing of meat, poultry and fish products as well as food in gener-al considers these processes as refining processes that determine the quality of the customers’ products. The systems of Maurer-Atmos Middleby make these pro-cesses more reliable, high performing, hy-gienic and profitable. Close customer contact “The determination to manufacture a high-quality product and to focus on our customers and their needs has top prior-ity for every employee at Maurer-Atmos Middleby. Our customers are exposed to competitive pressure and with the chal-lenge of having to adapt to the numer-ous unpredictable changes with speed and flexibility, but without diminishing the quality. We offer adequate solutions for these challenges,“ explains Maurizio Ventura, Vice President Sales & Market-ing. Customer contact at Maurer-Atmos does not so much take place at a desk, but di-rectly on the customer’s premises. Due to this direct approach, our long-established company is always aware of what is need-ed in the market and which innovations can further enhance the usefulness of the systems. As a particular focus is on re-sponding swiftly and precisely to special customer needs, the company has set up an extensive distributor network who is available on short notice. This network ensures that customer demands can be realised very swiftly and for instance al-ways provides the customers with the latest software solution. One example for these solutions is the proprietary control panel “Titan”, which has been part of the Maurer-Atmos sys-tems since 1995 and is subject to a con-tinual process of optimization. The possi-bility of individually adjusting the control systems also means that the recording of various process data allows for constant process optimisation. A further advantage of Maurer-Atmos systems are the redun-dant operating devices which can be used universally to control various processes. 5/2014 11

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